Sunday, December 2, 2012

Forget your lust for the rich man's gold. All that you need is in your soul...

I think it's time for a life makeover....

I was sitting on my computer, listening to the Wild Thornberry movie playing on my Netflix, when it dawned on me....

I have way too much (pardon my language) shit in my life.

And it is shit.

I just got rid of my cable box yesterday, and I found myself so bored today without it.  I couldn't watch the newest episode of the Walking Dead, or Revenge.... and I wondered, why?  Why do I revolve my life around television shows?  Why do I complain that I keep gaining weight, and yet, refuse to get off the couch to even walk to the mailbox?  Why do I have a moment of creativity, only to lose it the minute I pull the supplies out?

I normally blame this on the fact that my thyroid doesn't work, and the medications are no longer working... but I think it's more than that.  I have become content being a boring person.  Why?  I spend hours on Facebook "catching up" on my friends' lives, instead of calling them, or writing them a letter.  I spend hours on Pinterest getting ideas for projects that I will never complete.  Why?

I walk into my closet and complain that I have nothing to wear, and then keep the clothing that I refuse to wear.  Why?  There are so many people who could use those clothes.  I have books that I've read, and they just sit on a shelf collecting dust.  What is wrong with me?

Here is my December objective:  Minimize the shit in my life.  Not the drama, or the emotional issues, but the materialistic bullshit that I hold onto, even though I have no reason for it.  Fucking stupid! 

Week one: Clear out clothing that doesn't fit, or you don't wear.
Week two: Clear out kitchen cupboards and donate whatever non-perishables you will not eat.
Week three: Clear out items that are no longer being used, are broken, or useless, and get rid of them!
Week four: Limit the online time to 1-2 hours per day (unless working on homework), and take a walk every morning/night.

I will keep you posted on everything as I go along.  Here's to less shit in my life, and hopefully yours as well!


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