So, I've been working out for a little over a week, and I am so excited to see the changes that have already come.
I switched from Insanity to a bunch of different workouts. I've been having some crazy lung issues, so two minutes in, and I'm hacking up a storm.
Anyways, I've been sticking to my 1600 calorie diet, and making sure that I'm eating better. In addition, I've also noticed that I have lost weight and inches. Which is super exciting!!!
So here's where I'm at today:
L Bicep:
R Bicep:
L Thigh:
R Thigh:
L Calf:
R Calf:
Very exciting for me!!!! Hopefully, I can keep this up, and before you know it, I will be at my healthy weight!!!
Thanks to everyone for the support and encouragement. You all mean a lot to me!
And just when you thought you couldn't walk farther, you sprouted wings.
I am proud of you lady stick with it and you will get the results you deserve!!